What are static web documents:

Static web documents:

Static web documents are pre-authored pages that reside on a server's hard disk and are sent to users upon request. Website administrator have the responsibility to explicitly modify their HTML pages, but the client have no authority to change the document. Static document are static in nature i.e., the document contains fixed content.

 In static model, a client browser uses HTTP to request an HTML page or other resources from the web server. When server receives the request, server sends a copy of the document but not the original document to the client browser which formats and displays the page. Although this model is adequate for many applications, it provides only limited interaction between the user and web-server. In static content, file's content can be known when it is being created, but not when it is in use.
Some of the static web documents include,

  1. HTML
  2. Forms
  3. XML and XSL
  4. XHTML.

1. HTML:
                   HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the language used to create and develop web pages. The HTML is not a compiled language and is directly interpreted by a Browser. The HTML documents are also called Web Pages. HTML comes with special codes (tags) that can be embedded to format text and the text can be linked (called hyperlinks) to other Web Pages. We can include images, tables and lists with in the text. HTML provides GUI environment for user's input.

Common Tags in HTML:

1.<HTML>......</HTML> :  It is placed at the start as well as at the end of every HTML page. The code which resides between these tags forms the head, title and body of the HTML program. It is compulsory that every HTML program should have <HTML>....</HTML> at the start as well as at the end of the document.

2. <HEAD>.....</HEAD> :   It holds the head information of the HTML code (i.e.,) title, link, meta are same of the tags that appears in the head region of the html document.

3. <TITLE>....</TITLE> :   The title which is displayed at the title bar of the html document is provided using <TITLE> tag. It is an optional tag.

4. <BODY>.....</BODY> :   It is the major tag which holds the content appearing on a web page. It holds eight attributes. They are background, bgcolor, bottom margin, left margin, tag margin, right margin, text, scroll respectively. These attributes can make the representation of elements depending on the requirement.

5. <H1>,<H2>,......<H6> (Header Tags) :   These are frequently used tags which display data in bold font with different sizes. <H1> causes causes data to be displayed in biggest font, where as <H6> in the smallest font.

6. <!......comment........> :   It provides comments to be displayed in the html document. They make the document elucidating.

7. Formatting Text Tags :

  • Bold (<B>....</B>) :   It makes the text font to bold.
  • Italic ( <I>....</I>) :   It makes the text to appear in Italic format.
  • Underline ( <U>...</U>) :   It underlines the text.
  • Strike ( <STRIKE>....</STRIKE> :   It makes the text to appear in 'strike through' style.
  • BigFont ( <BIG>....</BIG>) :   It makes the text to appear in large font than the existing.
  • SmallFont ( <SMALL>....</SMALL>) :    It makes the text to appear in small font than the existing.
  • Subscript ( <SUB>....</SUB>) / Superscript ( <SUP>...</SUP>) :   It makes the text to appear in subscript or in subscript style.
  • Emphasizing Italics (<EM>...</EM>) / Emphasizing Bold (<STRONG>...</STRONG>) :   It makes the text to appear in italics or in bold styles.
  • Line Break (<BR>...</BR>) / No Line Break (<NOBR>...</NOBR>) :   It discriminates between two lines or prevents addition of gap between two lines.
  • Paragraph (<P>...</P>) :   It makes the text to appear on the screen, by leaving certain space towards it's left, for the first line.
  • Center (<CENTER>...</CENTER>) :   It align the text at the center of the screen.
  • <MARQUEE>...</MARQUEE> :   It makes the text to scroll. The attributes supported by it are align, behavior, bgcolor, direction, etc.
  • <BLINK>...</BLINK> :   It makes the text blinking (i.e.,) ON or OFF approximately once in a second.

8. ANCHOR (<A>...</A>) :   The anchor tag creates a link from one page to other.

9. <IMG>...</IMG> (Image) : The image tag adds an image to the page. This is done by providing suitable image source in the tag. The attributes supported by it are align, border, height, src, width respectively.

10. <UL>...</UL> / <OL>...</OL> (Lists) :   When a text (consisting several lines) is embedded in these tags, a bullet mark is inserted at the beginning of every line or a number is added to each line.

11. <TABLE>...</TABLE> (Table) :   It creates table on the screen. The different tags supported by it are <TR>, <TD>, <CAPTION>, <OL>, <THEAD>, <TBODY> and <TFOOT> etc. These tags makes the data to appear in rows and columns etc.

12. <FORM>...</FORM> (Forms) :   A html form is created using form tags. They facilitates us in embedding in various html controls into a form.

Every HTML document has a rigid structure, prescribed by W3C (World Wide Consortium) that created HTML DTD. Every HTML document begins with a special tag <!DOCTYPE> followed by <HTML> tag.
The full tag is : <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-W3C//DTD HTML4.0//EN">

The tag indicates that the "top element" of the document is the <HTML> tag and that the required DTD (the DTD, Document Type Definition defines the syntax for the HTML language) is public and the document is having HTML4.0 version tags. The EN stands for English, the language we are using in the document.

However in practice browser ignores this tag. For this reason, it is not mandatory to write this tag in a HTML. Practically the entire web page is enclosed with in <HTML> and </HTML> tags. All the data in the web page goes between these two tags and is technically part of the <HTML> element. Within these tags, two distinct sections are created using the <HEAD>, </HEAD> tags and the <BODY>, </BODY> tags.


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