What are forms and its attributes in HTML:

Forms and its attributes, what are forms in html, form attributes in html, form attribute values, form definition, form sub tags, form sub tag attributes, form sub tag attribute values,

What are forms and its attributes in HTML:

                                   An HTML Form provides data gathering functionality to a web page. That is, Forms are used to take keyboard input from the user. HTML From provides a full range of GUI controls like text field, button, check box and radio button etc. The data, what the user enters in these controls can easily be collected and submitted to the Web server.

The sub tags which are used under <FORM>....</FORM> tags are stated below.

  • BUTTON (INPUT TYPE=BUTTON) :   Insert a button in the html page.
  • CHECK BOXES (INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX) :   Insert a check box in the form.
  • RADIO BUTTONS (INPUT TYPE=RADIO) :   Insert a radio button in the form.
  • RESET BUTTON (INPUT TYPE=RESET) :   Insert a reset button in the form.
  • SUBMIT BUTTON (INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT) :   Insert a submit button in the form. When user clicks this button, it automatically transfer the data into the database.
  • TEXT FIELDS (INPUT TYPE=TEXT) :   Insert a text field in the form. User can insert or edit data in this area.

The most common uses of Forms includes comment response forms, order entry forms, subscription forms, registration forms and customization forms.

A common response is generally used as a way to collect comments from, Web site viewers or improvement suggestions from people. Order entry forms, which are now common on the Web provides a way for viewers to order goods from online shopping. Order entry forms typically require the user to provide an address, credit card number, and other information necessary to facilitate online commerce.

Many sites are adopting subscriber forms, particularly those that attempt to generate revenue through direct subscription or by selling advertising space. Registration forms are used to collect information about a user and are tied to an authentication system, which limits access to the site.

The customization form allows users to specify what topics they are interested in within an online magazine. When ties to an authentication system, a user accusing the site views a version set according to his or her tastes.

The Form creation process is actually of two folds. The first part, generally called as front-end, uses <FORM>....</FORM> tags to create GUI controls. The second part of the process involves writing code in a scripting language to learn and write and includes many built-in functions that can process the data from the Form controls. This second part of the process is called the back end.

JavaScript allows the validation of data entered into a Form at the client side. JavaScript can be used to ensure that only valid data is returned to a web server for processing.

Attributes of Form Tag:
                                          The <FORM>....</FORM> tags are used to create an HTML form. HTML elements used to receive to data, such as text fields, buttons, lists etc., are specified as attributes of the <INPUT> tag used within the <FORM>...</FORM> tags. The <FORM> tag tells a browser that there is a fill-in-the-blank from in this HTML document. The <FORM> tag has attributes like NAME, METHOD and ACTION etc.

              The NAME attribute is used to give a name to the Form. Since any number of <FORM>...</FORM> tags can be used in one HTML document, JavaScript should be able to differentiate the data from which Form the data is coming. With Name attribute, we can assign names to Forms. These names are used as references by JavaScript to refer the forms later.

                               EXAMPLE : <FORM NAME = f1>

                     The METHOD attributes of a Form is used to specify the method used to send data captured by various form elements back to the Web server. The two acceptable methods are GET and POST.

           The GET method sends the data captured by Form elements to the Web server whose address is written as URL in ACTION attribute. That is, the URL refers to the address of the web server. The data captured in form elements is appended to the URL. The GET method is used when there is a small amount of data to be sent to the Web server. The maximum amount of data that can be sent to the Web server using this method is limited to a maximum of 1024 bytes.

             The POST method sends sends the data captured by form elements to the Web server as a separate bit-stream of data. When there is a large amount of data to be sent to the server exists, this method is used.

If the METHOD attribute is not specified within the <FORM> tag, the default method (used by the browser to send data to the Web server) is GET method.

                  The action attribute of the <FORM>.....</FORM> tags refers to the URL of the Web server to where the data of the Form is to be sent. Upon the receipt of the data from the client, a JavaScript program is invoked to process the data. The commonly used Web server side scripting language are JavaScript, VB Script and PERL etc.

                     The ENCTYPE attribute specifies how the data is to be encoded. This attribute is used only with the POST method. As on to day it supports only one value (default also): "application/w-www-form-urlencode".

       The METHOD, ACTION and ENCTYPE attributes are all optional.

               EXAMPLE :  <FORM NAME = f1 METHOD = POST ACTION = "/cgi-bin/myScript">


What are static web documents:

Static web documents:

Static web documents are pre-authored pages that reside on a server's hard disk and are sent to users upon request. Website administrator have the responsibility to explicitly modify their HTML pages, but the client have no authority to change the document. Static document are static in nature i.e., the document contains fixed content.

 In static model, a client browser uses HTTP to request an HTML page or other resources from the web server. When server receives the request, server sends a copy of the document but not the original document to the client browser which formats and displays the page. Although this model is adequate for many applications, it provides only limited interaction between the user and web-server. In static content, file's content can be known when it is being created, but not when it is in use.
Some of the static web documents include,

  1. HTML
  2. Forms
  3. XML and XSL
  4. XHTML.

1. HTML:
                   HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the language used to create and develop web pages. The HTML is not a compiled language and is directly interpreted by a Browser. The HTML documents are also called Web Pages. HTML comes with special codes (tags) that can be embedded to format text and the text can be linked (called hyperlinks) to other Web Pages. We can include images, tables and lists with in the text. HTML provides GUI environment for user's input.

Common Tags in HTML:

1.<HTML>......</HTML> :  It is placed at the start as well as at the end of every HTML page. The code which resides between these tags forms the head, title and body of the HTML program. It is compulsory that every HTML program should have <HTML>....</HTML> at the start as well as at the end of the document.

2. <HEAD>.....</HEAD> :   It holds the head information of the HTML code (i.e.,) title, link, meta are same of the tags that appears in the head region of the html document.

3. <TITLE>....</TITLE> :   The title which is displayed at the title bar of the html document is provided using <TITLE> tag. It is an optional tag.

4. <BODY>.....</BODY> :   It is the major tag which holds the content appearing on a web page. It holds eight attributes. They are background, bgcolor, bottom margin, left margin, tag margin, right margin, text, scroll respectively. These attributes can make the representation of elements depending on the requirement.

5. <H1>,<H2>,......<H6> (Header Tags) :   These are frequently used tags which display data in bold font with different sizes. <H1> causes causes data to be displayed in biggest font, where as <H6> in the smallest font.

6. <!......comment........> :   It provides comments to be displayed in the html document. They make the document elucidating.

7. Formatting Text Tags :

  • Bold (<B>....</B>) :   It makes the text font to bold.
  • Italic ( <I>....</I>) :   It makes the text to appear in Italic format.
  • Underline ( <U>...</U>) :   It underlines the text.
  • Strike ( <STRIKE>....</STRIKE> :   It makes the text to appear in 'strike through' style.
  • BigFont ( <BIG>....</BIG>) :   It makes the text to appear in large font than the existing.
  • SmallFont ( <SMALL>....</SMALL>) :    It makes the text to appear in small font than the existing.
  • Subscript ( <SUB>....</SUB>) / Superscript ( <SUP>...</SUP>) :   It makes the text to appear in subscript or in subscript style.
  • Emphasizing Italics (<EM>...</EM>) / Emphasizing Bold (<STRONG>...</STRONG>) :   It makes the text to appear in italics or in bold styles.
  • Line Break (<BR>...</BR>) / No Line Break (<NOBR>...</NOBR>) :   It discriminates between two lines or prevents addition of gap between two lines.
  • Paragraph (<P>...</P>) :   It makes the text to appear on the screen, by leaving certain space towards it's left, for the first line.
  • Center (<CENTER>...</CENTER>) :   It align the text at the center of the screen.
  • <MARQUEE>...</MARQUEE> :   It makes the text to scroll. The attributes supported by it are align, behavior, bgcolor, direction, etc.
  • <BLINK>...</BLINK> :   It makes the text blinking (i.e.,) ON or OFF approximately once in a second.

8. ANCHOR (<A>...</A>) :   The anchor tag creates a link from one page to other.

9. <IMG>...</IMG> (Image) : The image tag adds an image to the page. This is done by providing suitable image source in the tag. The attributes supported by it are align, border, height, src, width respectively.

10. <UL>...</UL> / <OL>...</OL> (Lists) :   When a text (consisting several lines) is embedded in these tags, a bullet mark is inserted at the beginning of every line or a number is added to each line.

11. <TABLE>...</TABLE> (Table) :   It creates table on the screen. The different tags supported by it are <TR>, <TD>, <CAPTION>, <OL>, <THEAD>, <TBODY> and <TFOOT> etc. These tags makes the data to appear in rows and columns etc.

12. <FORM>...</FORM> (Forms) :   A html form is created using form tags. They facilitates us in embedding in various html controls into a form.

Every HTML document has a rigid structure, prescribed by W3C (World Wide Consortium) that created HTML DTD. Every HTML document begins with a special tag <!DOCTYPE> followed by <HTML> tag.
The full tag is : <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-W3C//DTD HTML4.0//EN">

The tag indicates that the "top element" of the document is the <HTML> tag and that the required DTD (the DTD, Document Type Definition defines the syntax for the HTML language) is public and the document is having HTML4.0 version tags. The EN stands for English, the language we are using in the document.

However in practice browser ignores this tag. For this reason, it is not mandatory to write this tag in a HTML. Practically the entire web page is enclosed with in <HTML> and </HTML> tags. All the data in the web page goes between these two tags and is technically part of the <HTML> element. Within these tags, two distinct sections are created using the <HEAD>, </HEAD> tags and the <BODY>, </BODY> tags.


How to give links in blogger posts:

How to give links in blogger posts:

Hello friends, I think you learned from the first chapter that how to create a blog. Now, in this chapter i am going to teach you that how to give links in blogger posts. This is very simple. Just follow the following steps.

How to give links in blogger posts:

  • First sign in to your blogger account by giving your Google id.
  • After entering to your dash board, there you see lot of options that is about your site information.
  • Just click on New Post option.
  • Then you navigate to a page that will use to edit the new post.
  • At the top of the page you will give your post title and at the bottom part give your description.
  • If you want to insert links in that description then observe between top and bottom boxes.
  • There you see some options which is used to edit the post according to our requirements.
  • At there you see the option Link.
  • First select the desired data from the mouse cursor and click on that Link option.
  • Then it will open a window about the link.
  • Just place your target website address or webpage address in that place and press OK.
  • That's it. You submitted your link successfully.

You can able to enter any number of links in the post. You can also enter inter page links to a blog post. Try to follow each and every point correctly to give successful links. In later chapters, you know more about how the links will work? and what is the importance of these links?

After link submission just click on publish button which is at right top. You can also see the preview of your post before submitting. For this just click on Preview button which is beside to Publish and Save buttons.

After clicking Preview button you will see the preview of your post in new window. After checking your content in preview just check if you want any changes in your content to look good. If yes, then go to post modify the content according to your requirement.

After modification again click on Preview button. It will take you to the preview page. If all the things are right then come post page and click on Publish.

So, now your post is done and your link submission is also done. Link submission plays a great role in Seo which you will learn in further chapters.

Thank You for reading my article which is about how to give links in blogger posts. I think you got the information successfully. Hope you work on this part today.


How to create a Blog or Website of your own:

\How to create a Blog or of your own:

How to create a Blog or Website of your own:

Hi friends, today I am going to teach about How to start / create a Blog  or Website of your own. For this you don't want to learn any programming languages or you are not necessarily have a computer of your own. You just follow the simple techniques which I going to teach you. You can also create or maintain Blog / Website from Internet also. It is no must and should to having a own System / PC.

Some basic internet knowledge is enough to create a Blog. Initially Blog is a Google product for free which comes the extension with '.blogspot'. Maintaining a blog is also not a big task.
At first you have to know, how to create a blog. Just follow the below steps sincerely.

  • Go to www.Blogger.com at search bar and press enter.
  • Then you have navigate to a opening page or sign in page.
  • There you can see a sign in option for existing users and sign up option for non-existing users.
  • If you are new to the blogger then click on sign up option.
  • If you have any Google account like www.Gmail.com, then enter that account id otherwise create a new account.
Note: If must sign in into blogger with gmail account only.
  • So, you don't have a account then create a new one. For that just fill the displayed details of you and press continue after all.
  • After successfully creating a gmail account, you just continue for the next options to create customized settings of Blogger.
  • Then navigate into Blogger setting page. There you can select / write your blog title, blog name which is nothing but blog url and template of multiple ones.
  • First it has to display the blog title option. There you can write your blog title i.e., what is your blog about (Topic of the blog).
  • In the second row you have to see Blog URL option which contains the extension of ".blogspot.com".
  • There you can write your blog URL name what ever it may be.
Note: You must select Blog URL according to your topic for best results.
  • After writing your blog name it checks automatically whether that URL is available or not.
  • If it is not available then write another name until the URL is available. For example my Blog topic is Web topics, then I am trying to give the names like www.Webhunt.blogspot.com, www.Easyweblogics.com., etc.
  • After finding a proper URL then come to next row, there you can see the templates which are in grid form. Select of those that you like. 
  • Templates are nothing but frames that gives you out look of your Blogs. These can decide that, in what manner our blog going to look like.
  • After selecting a proper template according to your content then press continue.
  • Now, you can navigate to your blog home page where you can edit or modify or manage all the posts.
  • So, your blog is ready to use now. You can start your posting by clicking start posting link.
  • Post is nothing but a group of data which you can upload on your Website at a time.
  • By clicking the start posting link you can to the posting page
  • At there you can see two boxes in row wise. First one is for title and the second one is for description.
  • So, start your posting by entering your post topic title at top and description at bottom.
  • You can also able to add images to your content.This can be done by clicking on image thumbnail at top of the options.
  • Once you click on that your media page will be opened and you can upload your images to that media. Then from there enter it into your post by clicking on it.
  • There are lots of options at top of the description box. You can able to add text styles, headings, break-ups,etc.,
  • You can also insert videos into your posts by clicking on Video option.
  • There is another option which is used to give links to the specified text.
So, your blog is ready to use now. Isn't exiting to have a Website of your own. Now, you can post your own knowledge on Blog to share your feelings or to educate others.
All the best to your rest of the Blogging. Thanking you for choosing my site to know information about the Blogs.

If you have any doubts then please send your doubts to marina14350@gmail.com. I will contact you as soon as possible.

Don't to forget log out before you leaving from internet centers. Because there may be a chance of misusing your medium.

You can do everything by using blogs. In the very next classes I will tell you other features and properties of the Blogs.


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